
现在注册我们的冬季学期(1月11日). 8-Mar. 16, 2024)!

  • 多个 levels
  • 小班授课——最多. 12名学生
  • 说本族语的 & 有经验的教师
  • 负担得起的 Tuition -每级$380
  • 4 条款 每年——每10周
  • 方便的市中心位置或在线


汉语普通话课程为学生提供, 既没有学校背景也没有家庭背景, classroom group classes of eleven different levels to acquire a solid foundation of the language and the ability to apply the language in life. 在这十一个关卡中, 听力的四项基本技能, 说话, 阅读, and 写作 are pursued in concert and are used to reinforce one another. To find your level, please refer to the level description or use our 自我评价指南

Our Mandarin Chinese classes take place once a week in the evenings. 我们的老师都是以英语为母语,经验丰富. We maintain small class sizes to enable adequate time for conversation in every class. 如果你有其他问题, 请给简·爱德华兹打电话, ILI的黄金城电子游戏协调员, 202-686-5610分机105. 现在招收!

Live, Instructor-led In-Person or Online Mandarin Chinese Classes 

Learn Mandarin Chinese in person or online from a live instructor using Zoom. 所有在线课程都由讲师指导, 在实时, allowing for the same live interaction as our in-person classes. Some of our classes are a combination of in-person and online students. We have 360-degree cameras in the rooms enabling online participants to feel part of the class. This hybrid class environment allows students to engage with each other and the instructor and to practice 阅读, 写作, 听, 并能说普通话.

时间表              现在注册!

现在注册我们的冬季学期(1月11日). 8-Mar. 16, 2024)!

秋天9月. 12月18日. 2, 2023周一,9月. 4, 2023
冬天1月. 8-Mar. 16, 2024星期一,12月. 25, 2023
春天4月. 1-小君. 8, 2024星期一,3月. 18, 2024
夏天小君. 24-Aug. 31, 2024周一,6月. 10, 2024
秋天9月. 23-Dec. 7, 2024周一,9月. 2, 2024


提供: 星期四:下午6时15分至8时45分. 现在招收!

摘要目的: The course is to provide students the most basic skills in studying Mandarin; to understand the differences between traditional and simplified characters and the benefits and disadvantages of both, 掌握发音.

学习结果: 完成本课程后, 学生将能够正确地发音普通话, 包括音调, 读写100字左右, 介绍自己或他人, 互致问候, 询问某人的国籍, 谈论家庭成员, 询问某人的职业, 表达时间, 日期和年龄, 安排一个约会或约会, 邀请别人吃饭或看电影.

主题: 汉语发音系统, 姓氏和全名, 基本数和序数, 微粒——“? ? de”“? ? ma”“? ? ne”, 民族, 问候和介绍, 衡量的话, 疑问代词, 日期和时间.

教材: "Integrated Chinese 1", 4th edition, pack of 3 books (textbook, workbook and character), $142
提供: 星期二:下午6时15分至8时45分.现在招收!

摘要目的: To strengthen the pronunciation; to understand stroke order in 写作 characters; to learn the basic radicals in characters; to recognize 100 new characters.

学习结果: 完成本课程后, 另外,至少要读150个新单词, 学生应该能够谈论自己的爱好, 拜访朋友或欢迎客人, 在电话上约个时间, 请求帮助, 谈谈日常生活和习惯, 并讨论学习汉语词汇和语法.

主题: 汉语语序, Go + action, 动词或形容词作谓语, 情态动词, 介词“zài”“i”, 粒子“某某”“某某”, 副词“某某jiù”“英才cái”, 双对象, 定向补充, 描述性的补充.

教材: "Integrated Chinese 1", 4th edition, pack of 3 books (textbook, workbook and character), $142
提供: 星期三:下午6时15分至8时45分. 现在招收!

摘要目的: To enable students to hold uncomplicated communicative tasks in straightforward social situations; to express personal meaning on learned phrases or re-combinations of them.

学习结果: Students will master at least an additional120 words and start 写作 simple sentences in Chinese characters. Students should be able to hold simple conversations regarding 学校 life, 独立购买衣服和鞋子, 评论几种交通方式, 描述交通路线.

主题: Time-When表达式的位置, 一系列动词/动词短语, 过去时和将来时, 句子结构比较, topic-comment句子, 日常使用的连词结构.

教材: "Integrated Chinese 1", 4th edition, pack of 3 books (textbook, workbook and character), $142
提供: 星期四:下午6时15分至8时45分. 现在招收!

摘要目的: To comprehend and compose more complex sentences; to study etymology of basic characters; to converse with much advanced vocabularies and be understood by interlocutors who are accustomed to dealing with non-natives.

学习结果: 完成本课程后, 学生可以写出完整的段落, apply sophisticated vocabulary and construct compound-complex sentences. Students should also be able to talk about climate and the weather, 在餐馆里点菜和饮料, 询问并指路.

主题: 天气模式, 复杂的比较结构, 点中餐, 部分同意或不同意他人, 形容词和动词的重复, 行动进行中, verbal phrases and subject-predicate phrases used as attributives, 时间, 描述一个过去时动作, (b)构造, 地点副词.

教材: "Integrated Chinese 2", 4th edition, pack of 3 books (textbook, workbook and character), $150
提供: 星期一:晚上6时15分至8时45分. 现在招收!

摘要目的: To provide students the abilities to actively participate in most informal and limited formal conversations related to work, 学校, 首页 or leisure activities; to make structured arguments.

学习结果: 这门课结束的时候, students can expect to write paragraphs with ease as well as carry conversations with greater fluency. Students will be able to politely accept and decline an invitation, 咨询医生, 描述当前和理想的居住环境, 说出常见家具的名字, 讨论和协商租金.

主题: 言语补语-描述性的, 潜在的和定向的互补, 大概的数目, 陈述句中使用的疑问代词, 延续, 诉讼持续时间, 状态粒子_(哲), 被动语态的句子, 疑问句代词作为不定指称(谁), 每当, 等.).

教材: "Integrated Chinese 2", 4th edition, pack of 3 books (textbook, workbook and character), $150
提供: 星期二:下午6时15分至8时45分. 现在招收!

摘要目的: To provide students the abilities to actively participate in most informal and limited formal conversations related to work, 学校, 首页 or leisure activities; to make structured arguments.

学习结果: 这门课结束的时候, students can expect to write paragraphs with ease as well as carry conversations with greater fluency. 学生将能够谈论体育, 制定假期计划, 描述和比较城市, 预订机票, 到机场办理登机手续.

主题: 言语补语-描述性的, 潜在的和定向的互补, 大概的数目, 陈述句中使用的疑问代词, 延续, 诉讼持续时间, 状态粒子_(哲), 被动语态的句子, 疑问句代词作为不定指称(谁), 每当, 等.).

教材: "Integrated Chinese 2", 4th edition, pack of 3 books (textbook, workbook and character), $150
提供: 星期一:晚上6时15分至8时45分. 现在招收!

摘要目的: To recognize minimum of five hundreds characters while able to write half of them at least; to study Pinyin and Character Texts simultaneously; to write compound-complex paragraphs; to converse with greater ease and confidence.

学习结果: Students will be able to use both oral and written Mandarin with greater ease. 更具体地说, 学生将能够给出一个详细的自我介绍, 描述生活区, 婉转地反对, order food and drinks with the knowledge of Chinese regional cuisines, 在讲普通话的环境中购物和讨价还价, 说明他们的主要研究领域和学术部门, 谈谈职业规划和目标.

主题: 动态粒子(le), (shì)…(de)结构, 连接句子, 存在的句子, 主题评论句型, 强调:(shì), 修辞性问句, 教育体系:中国vs .印度. 复数结果补语.

教材: "Integrated Chinese 3", 4th edition, pack of 3 books (textbook, workbook and character), $150
提供: 星期二:下午6时15分至8时45分. 现在招收!

摘要目的: To provide students the abilities to narrate with ease and confidence; to negotiate a bargain when shop; to discuss about everyday life; to participate in ease on conversations in routine and social situations.

学习结果: The students will be able to talk about Chinese dating and 婚姻 customs, 描述某人的性格, 讨论互联网的使用, 谈谈在中国的教育费用, 讨论大学生的兼职工作, 谈论友谊, 简要介绍中国和美国的地理特点, 计划去中国旅行.

主题: 状语和状语, 的(反), (de)和(de)比较, 固定短语, 复合势和描述性补语, (lái)连接两个动词短语, 副词:(bìng), (guò)表明过去的经验.

教材: "Integrated Chinese 3", 4th edition, pack of 3 books (textbook, workbook and character), $150
提供: 星期四:下午6时15分至8时45分. 现在招收!

摘要目的: To provide students the abilities to actively participate in most informal and limited formal conversations related to work, 学校, 首页 or leisure activities; to make structured arguments.

学习结果: 成功完成课程后, 学生可以期望准确地交谈, 清晰和精确. They will also be able to talk about Chinese traditions and festivals, 描述中国著名的历史旅游景点, and discuss the development and modernization of Chinese cities, 谈论日常生活和健康问题, 并讨论中国妇女社会地位的变化.

主题: 状态粒子的用法:, 量词的重复, 粒子微球(guò), 粒子? (a)和? (ma), 习语中的数字, 多个attributives, 双音节单词变成单音节, 关键句, 代名词某某某某(mǒu), 是(shi)...(de)肯定一种说法.

教材: "Integrated Chinese 4", 4th edition, pack of 3 books (textbook, workbook and character), $160
提供: 星期三:下午6时15分至8时45分. 现在招收!

摘要目的: To provide students the abilities to handle with ease and confidence on variety of topics relating to work, 学校, 首页, public interests as well as personal interests or individual relevance.

学习结果: 成功完成课程后, students can expect to comprehensively narrate and describe all major time frames; misunderstandings are kept to a minimum. Students' vocabulary will be fairly extensive – especially in a chosen area of specialization or interest (for example environmental issues, 个人理财, 中国重要历史人物, 工作面试, 时间管理, 生活在国外, 文化冲击, 等.).

主题: 可以像动词一样重复的形容词, V(浙)(浙), Adj + (yú), 对“b”字结构的总结, 语法总结——汉语词序, 频率副词, 演讲练习.

教材: "Integrated Chinese 4", 4th edition, pack of 3 books (textbook, workbook and character), $160
提供: 星期三:下午6时15分至8时45分. 现在招收!

This course is designed for students who have achieved an advanced level and is conducted 整个ly in Mandarin Chinese. The course is centered on a series of 阅读s which analyze a variety of issues in the contemporary Chinese-说话 world, 解决人口过剩等问题, 住房和教育. Learners will be presented with cultural information and be provided with opportunities for discussion at an advanced level. 学习者将发展他们的阅读和写作技能, acquire new vocabulary-building strategies and become acquainted with both formal and informal vocabulary and phraseology.

摘要目的: To consolidate both 阅读 proficiency and cultural knowledge, leading to an advanced level of spoken and written communication. 学习者将专注于清晰和精确, 以及更细致的表达, while also considering aspects of style and rhetorical devices, 比如隐喻和明喻.

结果: 学习者将发展高级阅读理解技能, 同时丰富不同学科领域的词汇量. Learners will also perfect their spoken and written communication through the acquisition of more nuanced speech and 写作 through a consideration of style and rhetorical devices.

主题: This level focuses on themes surrounding contemporary issues such as population density, 人口过剩, 住房和教育. 语法主题包括形容词重复, 比较句中的状语, 使役动词动词, 没有代词和存在句.

课本: Anything Goes: An 先进的 Reader of Modern Chinese - Revised Edition, $71

教训: Chapters 1 to 5, pages 1 to 55, plus supplemental material selected or generated by the instructor.
提供: 星期一:晚上6时15分至8时45分. 现在招收!

This course is designed for students who have achieved an advanced level and is conducted 整个ly in Mandarin Chinese. The course is centered on a series of 阅读s which analyze a variety of issues in the contemporary Chinese-说话 world, 解决人口过剩等问题, 住房和教育. Learners will be presented with cultural information and be provided with opportunities for discussion at an advanced level. 学习者将发展他们的阅读和写作技能, acquire new vocabulary-building strategies and become acquainted with both formal and informal vocabulary and phraseology.

摘要目的: To consolidate both 阅读 proficiency and cultural knowledge, leading to an advanced level of spoken and written communication. 学习者将专注于清晰和精确, 以及更细致的表达, while also considering aspects of style and rhetorical devices, 比如隐喻和明喻.

结果: 学习者将发展高级阅读理解技能, 同时丰富不同学科领域的词汇量. Learners will also perfect their spoken and written communication through the acquisition of more nuanced speech and 写作 through a consideration of style and rhetorical devices.

主题: This level focuses on themes surrounding contemporary issues such as professional life, 婚姻, 以及女性的地位. 语法主题包括时间连接词, 复合类型, 定向补充, 中文标点符号, 以及各种修辞手法.

课本: Anything Goes: An 先进的 Reader of Modern Chinese - Revised Edition, $71

教训: 第六至第十章, 第56至111页, plus supplemental material selected or generated by the instructor.


每个学生10周的一级课程380美元. Au-Pairs can receive a 10% discount on Tuition with proof of their status. 现在招收!
May be purchased at the time of registration or at the Institute before or on the first day of class. All prices quoted include a 6% DC sales tax and all prices are subject to change at any time. Tax-exempt organizations or individuals need to provide proof of sales tax exemption before being charged. 没有追溯退税的销售税. 一旦收到学生, books and other materials are the property of the student and are non-refundable.
关于安置,我们建议你去我们的 自我评价指南 在我们的网站上. 请仔细阅读每个关卡的描述. If you feel that you are able to fulfill all the tasks described in one level, 然后进入下一关,以此类推, until you reach a description of tasks that you are unable to fulfill. That would correspond to the level of classes in which you should enroll. If, 一旦注册, 你不应该在那种levels上感到自在, 你可以调到另一层, 可用性允许.

Regular group classes meet once weekly in the evening (6:15-8:45 pm ET) or on Saturday mornings (10 am-12:30 pm ET) for 10 weeks. 每节课2次.5个小时. 所有的上课时间都是U.S. 东部时间(标准或夏令时)
在ILI现场,通过Zoom在线. 我们的课通常是在 罗德岛大道西北,100套房,华盛顿特区20036. 由于COVID-19,课程也通过Zoom在线提供. We are within walking distance from the Metro's Dupont Circle (South exit) and Farragut North stations. Parking garages are close by and parking on the street is available after 6:30 pm.
最少3人,最多12人. 我们建议 签约 越早越好,这样我们就可以为所有的课程做好充分的计划. If the minimum enrollment of at least 3 students per class is not met, we will have to cancel that class after the registration deadline has passed. 以防取消, 学生将有机会换班, 推迟入学或要求全额退款.
Our program requires each student to participate in weekly quizzes, 这将会被评分, 基于“及格”或“不及格”的制度. There will be a final quiz that will measure the sum of the instructional objectives for the course. Grades are verbally communicated to students at the end of each class/course, 并在考勤表上进行标记. Students must have completed and passed at least 70% of the quizzes to move to the next level.
学生参加每一次班会是很重要的. 准时上课也很重要. 我们每节课都要讲很多内容. The instructor cannot repeat material for students who are absent or come late. 学生不来上课将被记缺勤. Missed group classes may only be made up if the same level is being offered on another day and the class is not at full capacity. Students who arrive 15 minutes after the advertised starting time will be marked late. For every 3 times that the student is marked as late, it will count as a missed hour. If we notice that a student’s attendance is in danger of falling below 70%, 我们将给学生发一份出勤报告.
Per request, we can issue certificates of completion after the term has ended. 证书可以在前台订购. In order to be eligible to receive a certificate or pass to the next level, you are required to attend a minimum of 70% of the classes and have a “Passing” grade. We will need a couple of days in order to verify your attendance and passing grade before issuing the certificate.
ILI’s foreign language group programs are accredited by ACCET (Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & 培训),我们也提供2.5 Continuing Education Units (CEU’s) per every successfully completed course, 5.速成课程为0. Upon request, our 竣工证书 can include the CEU’s earned per semester.
No refunds are issued for any reason after the registration deadline for the term (see 时间表 above). Missed group classes may only be made up if the same level is being offered on another day and the class is not at full capacity.
The International Language Institute reserves the right to cancel any class if deemed necessary. Prior to commencement of class, students will be given a full refund. 在课程开始后取消, the pro-rata portion of the unexpended Tuition will be refunded. The prorated amount of refundable monies will be determined by the ratio of classes completed to the total number of classes in the scheduled program. The International Language Institute reserves the right to assign substitute instructors 每当 necessary.
Classes are cancelled in accordance with federal government closures for the 整个 由于恶劣的天气. Please check public announcements on radio, TV and the internet; or call ILI at (202) 362-2505. 关闭也被张贴在我们的 脸谱网 页面 http://www.Facebook.com/ILIinDC. 我们很少遵循提前解雇的做法.

ILI is closed for the following holidays: Martin Luther King Day, 总统节, 阵亡将士纪念日, 独立日, 劳动节, 哥伦布发现美洲纪念日, 感恩节, 圣诞节, 元旦. Group classes will not meet on these holidays and the missed class(es) will be made up at the end of the term.
请黄金城电子游戏的黄金城电子游戏协调员, 简·爱德华兹,电话:(202)686-5610分机. 105或以上 (电子邮件保护).